AI agent platform

for communities

Provide your community members 24/7 expert help from all of your support docs and community surfaces.

AI agent for community management

Casie is currently by invitation.

Customers want to talk with you and each other

But 34% of community managers feel their efforts are largely manual and not automated.

Up until now, there has been no centralized knowledgebase and automation across fragmented community surfaces and support documentation– causing community builders to resort to low-and-slow-engagement forums.

On what platforms do customers want to engage?

Communities boast 2x faster deal close

And 3x feature adoption, low-cost support, and a treasure trove of product insights– But are severely undervalued.

Almost 40% of community managers lack the tools, direction, and/or resources to quantify the value of the community.

Unlock 69 workdays

Employees waste 552 hours yearly on repetitive tasks

Automate the mundane: Let AI handle the grunt work for developer relations, community, marketing, product, and customer success teams in communities—From user conversation summaries to insights and drafting new support docs.